Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We'll miss you Hal Gill...

Goodbye Hal Gill!
We must tell you that we will terribly miss you! You made our lives complete. You were part of the team that we have recently come to love! You helped turn our lives around by providing us with much awesomeness to appreciate in our recent jump into the hockey world! We'll never forget you. We'll watch you play for Montreal if that's what you want from us. We'll babysit your kids. We'll clean your house. We'll wash your car. We'll do whatever it takes to not lose you forever! We just want to let you know that David Beckham will never have the abs that you have. No man can be the man that you are. We WILL miss you. This isn't goodbye. This is just till we see you again. And if there is nothing else to be said, we want to let you know, we hate to see you go but we love to watch you leave. (yeah, it was lame, but I had to throw it in there. we love him.)

In other news, still no news on Scuderi. Or Fedotenko.

We haven't posted in a while, so we would just like to say we're happy to have Billy Guerin back. He's Aunt Moose's favorite and he makes her happy. And we like for her to be happy, cause she cooks for us when she's happy. We're happy she's happy. It means more food. :) OH, and we bought her a shirt for our new holiday... "HOCKEY DAY"... and if he would've left, then she would have had a Guerin shirt and nowhere to wear it.

(FYI... we came up with "HOCKEY DAY" as a way to cope in the offseason. Since there are four of us, we each decided we would buy one other person a gift for "HOCKEY DAY". And we're family so it's not as awkward buying random gifts. Course we all went in together on Aunt Moose's gift. The only rules... said gift has to be hockey related, of course, and most likely Penguins related as well. We've designated July 15th as the first annual "HOCKEY DAY". No particular reason but that it's the day right in the middle of our vacation. In the future, the date may change. We'll base it on how far the Penguins go in the playoffs and how long the offseason is for us. Feel free to buy and send us things if you like. We like gifts. Also feel free to buy your friends hockey related gifts and have a slice of cake in honor of our hard working Penguins, until we get to see them again. It truly will be like Christmas in July. How much fun will that be?)

We're glad to have Craig Adams back, too. He needs to live in playoff mode all the time. He looks better with a beard in our opinion.

Oh, and much thanks to The Hockey Junkies, Puck Huffers, and the Pensblog for keeping us updated today with the free agency. We couldn't have made it through the day without you. You kept us sane... well, that may not be possible but you did help some.

And we have also discovered that we have followers!!! You have no idea how much that excites us. We thought we were the only one's that read this. But we've discovered that other people apparently think we're okay! Thank you. You are our new favorite people! You can say you were there when it all began. lol. Or if you don't want to admit to it, that's cool. We'll understand. :)
Let's hope free agency goes well. For now though, we're going to go dry our tears and wish Hal Gill the best of luck!
Until next time... peace, love & hockey!
Go Pens!
~Guardian, Pansy, Enforcer & Slasher

1 comment:

  1. You are more than OK, you are some of my new favorite bloggers! Being one myself, I love non-native Pittsburghian Pens fans :)

    HOCKEY DAY sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm seeing major celebration (or at least cupcakes and a hockey movie) Hmm, plans must be made...
