Sunday, June 7, 2009

Let It Go...

I'm ranting today without the help of my co-writers... but it's okay, I think they'll understand.
There aren't too many things to be happy about after last night. We're here... we're alive... but we're not too freaking happy about the way things went down last night!
Yesh. That was the final score. How does that happen?
Yes, we could have played better. Yes, we took too many stupid penalties. Yes, the refs sucked. But it's like the whole universe was against us last night.
How can the universe hate penguins?!
That's like saying you hate cake and ice cream. What kind of person hates cake and ice cream?
I'm pretty sure Detroit's refs hate cake and ice cream.
And I'm pretty sure they hate the Penguins.
We played two AMAZING games in Pittsburgh!!!
It's like that shit didn't even matter last night. It's like we weren't even the same team. We played well though, why didn't it look like we weren't?
Poor Malkin took three penalties on his own. Three! I've only been watching hockey for a short time but I'm pretty sure that's the most time I have ever seen him spend in the penalty box.
Sid had a lot of good shots, but apparently Detroit has some sort of invisible puck deflector on their goals that only allows shots from their players to go in. Seriously. It's a conspiracy.
Poor Marc Andre. We won't even go there. My heart aches for him. Not seeing him smile really breaks my heart. I can't stand to see him sad. He needs a hug. He'll rebound though. I'm sure he's already forgot about it.
Some things that went down....
They scored... (5 times to be exact). We didn't.
They had, like, two penalties. We had... nine.
They had those extra three players in the striped shirts.
Hossa still didn't score. Neither did Datsyuk. (Hate that for them).
So Detroit's up one game in the series. It's not a problem. This shit is going back to Pittsburgh and our Penguins have their fans behind them.
We are the better team. We have the heart. We have the talent.
We got this. We're taking the Cup this year. We're going to do it.
Let's Go Pens.
Until next time... peace, love & hockey.
~B (Pansy)

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